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The Founder Venerable Father Augustine John Ukken exhorts that the sisters should bear witness to Christ even where there is “biting cold and burning hot.” In response to this call the Charity Sisters extended their mission, in different parts of India. Establishing the first house at Chanda Diocese in 1970. The provincial house is situated in Ghaziabad, 1984. UP state. Now the province has 158 members working in 12 states of India and abroad.

The Congregation aimed at the integral development of the people specially the poor and downtrodden. We try to attain this goal by experiencing God’s love and expressing it with compassion through education, healing ministry, care for mentally challenged informal education, village works and social works Aids centers woman empowerment programme, family apostolate and boarding for the poor girls. Our motto is “Love, Service and Sacrifice.”

Santhome Province, Ghaziabad has 30 mission centers rendering the services among 13 diocese in India.

Apostolic Life

The apostolic activities of our sisters should be in accordance with the signs of the times and corresponding to the needs of the people. The loving- kindness and compassionate love derived from the charism of our Founder.

Our main Apostolates are the following.

  1. Education Ministry

    • Primary education: Attention is mainly given to poorer section of the population. So we have lower and upper primary schools and few high schools in the rural area

    • Non-formal education

    • Special schools for the Differently abled and physically handicapped

    • Vocational Training centers, Rehabilitation centers.

  2. Health Ministry.

    • Health centers, small and medium hospitals, Dispensaries, Mobile clinic

    • Service in the Government Hospitals and medical colleges.

    • Rehabilitation of AIDS patients.

  3. Other social works

    • Jail ministry, Family apostolate

    • Rehabilitation of mentally ill patients.

    • Tailoring institutes, Type writing institutes, computer centers etc

    • Self help groups

    • Orphanages

    • Adult Education

    • Empowerment programme for Women, Children & Counselling

  4. The states where our sisters are working are:

    • Thelangana, Tamil Nadu, Delhi ,Kerala ,Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttara Khand, Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Lucknow

Get In Touch

Santhome Provincial House
Anand Bhavan, Mariam Nagar,
Meerut Road, Ghaziabad,
U.P. - 201003


+91 (120) 2870211

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