Name: Sannidhanam Charity Convent Wardha
Address : Sannidhanam Charity Convent Sawange - Meghe, Wardha Wardha (Dt) MS 442001
About: Sannidhanam Charity Convent , It was started on 20.01.2007.The patron of this convent is Sacred Heart of Jesus .The name of the parish is St. Antony's Catholic Church wardha. Sannidhanam convent belongs to Chanda Diocese. The main apostalate of the convent the Perpetual Adoration and religious formation.
Santhome Provincial House
Anand Bhavan, Mariam Nagar,
Meerut Road, Ghaziabad,
U.P. - 201003
+91 (120) 2870211
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